Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Should I stay in Richmond for the weekend or go to New York?
Is that even a question?

In other news (this is where I write things that I wish I had the balls to say to people):
Ummm seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? You always talk about how you're so mature and shit, yet you do some pretty irresponsible things. I would care less if those things you did didn't affect me. Unfortunately, when you fuck up, I get fucked. I kind of hope you fall on your face and see how full of shit you are sometimes. Scratch that. I really hope you do. You're not always such a suckfest, but right now, I want to punch you in the throat a little.

This more than annoys me. Fuck you, dipshit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha. oh man, i wonder who that is about... shiiiiit.
and did you go to ny?
and that thing about yr mouth being a party. sew funny. love you!